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What is 1 pancakeswap (cake) in BNB?

The price of converting 1 PancakeSwap (CAKE) to BNB is BNB0.00619890 today. Last updated 07:51AM UTC. PancakeSwap (CAKE) is worth BNB0.00619890 today, which is a -0.4% decline from an hour ago and a 0.3% increase since yesterday. The value of CAKE today is -2.3% lower compared to its value 7 days ago.

How to buy cake on Binance?

CAKE can be purchased directly from Binance using a debit or credit card. It can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on the Binance exchange. Live CAKE price is updated in real time on Binance. Additional CAKE price and purchase information is available in our How to Buy PancakeSwap (CAKE) Guide.

Why Isake underperforming against BNB in October?

People tend to have better sleep when holding "safer" coins like BNB. With bitcoin breaking 47k, market sentiment is most probably going full bull mode in October and coinsAs is expected, CAKE mostly underperforms against its native chain token BNB when fear, doubt, and uncertainty are on the rise.

What is the price of BNB/cake LP Pool token?

BNB/CAKE LP Pool Token price is 10.84 USDT. What about this feature on the pancakeswap Home page?: In addition to "Cake to harvest", etc., a table with your holdings in the various liquidity pools, and it's value in USD (and/or BTC). Anybody figure this out? Still unsure on valuing my LP tokens

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